BeGood Tips

How to find a solution for tired and heavy legs

Discover the causes of leg pain and instant remedies to soothe heaviness and to have light, moisturized and fit legs every day. 

Heavy legs are something annoying that practically everyone has experienced at least once in a lifetime, above all after a long workday or after standing for many hours. Pain can be caused by more or less dangerous factors but very often you just need to follow some good daily practices to get to the end of the day with light legs and full of energy. Let’s see what causes leg pain and which are the remedies that you can use to get relief. 

Heavy legs

The causes of heavy legs

The main cause of heavy legs is venous insufficiency. This illness affects the blood vessels valves and blocks proper blood return to the heart. As a consequence, blood accumulates in the vessels and causes swelling and heaviness. In this case in order to solve the problem, you have to turn to a doctor, who evaluates and finds the most suitable cure according to your health state.

However, leg pain can be caused by less dangerous factors, such as stress, heat and muscle fatigue. 

Standing for long hours or undergoing excessive effort can reduce the correct blood flow temporarily and consequently cause the annoying sensation of heavy legs.

On the other hand, high temperatures can cause fluid retention, swelling and a general feeling of fatigue, which affects in particular the lower part of the body. 

Whether it is a true condition or a temporary ailment, leg pain can be lessened or even solved with some good daily practices. 

Remedies to heavy legs

The best way to help blood circulation and reduce pain sensation caused by heavy legs is a healthy lifestyle. The first step to prevent leg pain and be fit is to practice sport, like a soft walk or swimming, drink more water and have a balanced diet with fruit and vegetables, rich in minerals and fibers. 

Balanced diet

On the other hand, if leg pain affects you at night, you can help venous drainage and reduce swelling and heaviness by raising your legs. Lay down on your bed and place some pillows under your calves so that they are over the level of your heart. The pain sensation will lessen instantly.

To help blood flow you can also undergo a light massage or showers which alternate between cold and hot water so that the temperature fluctuation stimulates blood circulation, reduces swelling and provides relief. 

Another piece of advice that we can give you is to use graduate compression tights.

Thanks to their particular structure, these tights can help you prevent leg heaviness because they create a gentle upward pressure, which helps circulation. 


If you do not like wearing tights, you can also choose trousers or slimming leggings. If you choose leggings in Dermofibra® Cosmetics you help circulation and say goodbye to leg pain caused by weariness. You also reduce orange peel skin and moisturize your tissues. In this way you will have lighter and softer legs every day, even when you have to stand or stay seated for long hours behind a desk. 

Slimming leggings

Help circulation and draining of your legs effortlessly.

Choose your favourite leggings in Dermofibra® Cosmetics and wear them every day to have light and fit legs at night.

Explore the new collection here an discover your wearable beauty treatment™ in any moment of your day.

Posted in: Tips, Dieta Sana