BeGood Tips

Exercises for better sleep: how to wind down before bed

Quality sleep is fundamental for our mental and physical well-being, but for many people sleeping well can be hard. Discover how you can improve your night’s rest with some easy exercises and relaxation techniques. 

Sleeping well can be a challenge for many people, above all when you are concerned or you have many thoughts. If you are stressed, falling asleep may be difficult and you could start to suffer from insomnia. Let’s have a look at some suggestions, techniques and the most effective exercises that can help you relax your body and mind and improve your sleep quality. 

What to do when you can’t sleep

When our mind is overwhelmed by thoughts and concerns, it is important to find effective methods to relax. 

There are some simple practices you can adopt in order to relax. First of all, you should avoid blue light for at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Do not use your smartphone or other electronic devices as they could interfere with your sleep cycle. 

Then, you should choose comfortable and breathable sleepwear. You could try a pair of BeGood® Summer Soft Touch Pyjamas, which are comfortable and made of breathable fabric. They will help tone your abdomen and arms, while they moisturise your skin. In this way you will feel comfortable during your relaxing moments and you will also enjoy a beauty treatment.

BeGood® garments are indeed made of Dermofibra® Cosmetics. It is a yarn that contains minerals such as silicon, titanium, magnesium and zinc, which reflect body heat, stimulate microcirculation and drain excess fluids. 

The yarn also contains microspheres with active substances, such as aloe vera, vitamin A and E and caffeine. While you are wearing these garments, these substances will improve your skin, by moisturising and making it softer and by reducing cellulite blemishes. 

If you find it hard to fall asleep, complete darkness could be helpful. In addition to curtains that prevent the passage of light, you could also use a sleep mask. BeGood® Restful Eye Mask in Dermofibra® Hyaluronic helps fight early symptoms of insomnia and provides continuous supply of Hyaluronic Acid while you are wearing it. This will act on your face, by reducing dark circles and wrinkles and by improving your skin, providing a plumping effect. 

Before sleeping, you should do activities that help clear your mind and reduce stress. Have a warm bath, listen to relaxing music, read a book or try breathing exercises and stretching. 

You can try these stretching exercises before sleeping:

  • Neck stretches: tilt your head so that you're moving your ear toward your shoulder, hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. Tilt your head to the other side and repeat the stretch.
  • Back stretching: stand facing a desk or counter with your hands on the surface. Keeping hands on the surface, slowly walk feet away until you form an "L" with your body. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. 
  • Child’s pose: kneel and sit on your knees. Lean forward, keeping your buttocks on your heels, and rest your forehead on the floor. Stretch your arms in front of you with palms toward the floor.

Working out before bed: can exercising at night help you lose weight?

Particularly intense workouts should be avoided in the evening, especially before bedtime, as they can make falling asleep more difficult. 

Before going to bed, you can try lighter exercises, such as yoga. Yoga before sleep can help you relax your mind and body, as well as speed up the metabolism. Unlike high-intensity workouts, yoga is a low-intensity discipline that involves slow physical activity. It burns fat gradually and sustainably, contributing to weight loss.

Furthermore, among various benefits, this discipline supports muscle relaxation and stimulates circulation. To maximize results, during your yoga practice, you could wear a BeGood® Yoga Set, which supports every movement of your body, helps relax your muscles, stimulates microcirculation and drains excess fluids. 

Discover BeGood® garments, your wearable beauty treatment® in any moment of the day.

Posted in: Wellness - Fitness, Tips
