10 minute workout for toned arms

Train with Jill Cooper and BeGood!
Today we're going to wave goodbye to those "bat wing" arms!
Together let's take a look at a targeted workout to tone your arms, for gorgeous and toned muscles.
This workout doesn't require any particular exertion or much room, you can even do it sitting down, the exercises will take just 10 minutes.
The first step towards achieving more toned triceps and aesthetically appealing arms, reducing the unsightly "bat wing" effect we are susceptible to.
For these exercises all you'll need is 1 elastic strap (or a pair of tights or a stocking), 1 chair and as always, a lot of willpower!
Let's start right away: try and do the exercises in the video!
In this video I'm wearing Capri Sport camouflage snellenti e idratanti in Dermofibra Cosmetics.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next workout: BeFit, BeTonic, BeGood! ;)