Getting back in shape after the holidays: 4 effective tips

Not just sports and diet. Discover our secret to get back in shape after the holidays without effort, immediately feeling more in shape.
Christmas Eve, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s, Epiphany, not to mention dinners with colleagues, with friends, with the gym group.
Raise your hand if, in the last two weeks, you were able to follow a healthy diet and set aside some time for exercising. Not many.
Between December and January, it is normal to step out of the routine and put on a few extra kilos, but getting back in shape after the holidays is easier than you might think.
Here are 4 tips that will help you feel beautiful and toned by the end of this month.
1 - Get back to sports activities without hurry
After a two- or three-week pause, starting to do physical activity again, perhaps with that extra kilo from the holidays, is harder than usual.
Don’t be discouraged and do not think of training again as if it were mid-December.
During the holiday period, if we do not continue to exercise, muscles lose tone and the first training sessions of the new year must be calibrated to avoid pulling a muscle or useless strain.
Give yourself some time, start with sessions that are less challenging than before and you will see that in just a few weeks your muscles will be back in shape and you will be able to train as you did in 2022.
2 - Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
If, during the holidays, you overindulged with sweets, a glass too many, or you overdid it with red meat and elaborate dishes, January is the right time to start again to include more fruit and vegetables in your diet, but also fish, legumes and white meat.
These foods will make you feel full and give the body quality vitamins and proteins, without weighing on the liver.
The result? You will immediately feel full of energy and will be ready to face the new year with a smile.
3- Don’t look at the scale
How is it possible that with just a few dinners out you have gained 3 kilos?
Even if the needle on the scale marks an excessive increase compared to the amount of food you have eaten, remember that the scale weighs your body, but it is unable to tell you how much is actually fat and how much is liquids.
Elaborate holiday foods are very tasty and they facilitate water retention, but this does not mean that you have really gained three kilos of fat.
Just a bit of exercise and the right clothing will be enough to eliminate excess liquids and watch those three kilos melt away in a flash.
4 - Wear cosmetotextile garments
If after the Christmas holiday, you need to get back to your usual lifestyle and you are even busier than before, so much so that you cannot hit the gym, to get back in shape you can get help from cosmetotextile garments.
Cosmetotextiles are items made with innovative yarns, like Dermofibra® Cosmetics by Human Wellness, a fibre created from years of Swiss research in the engineering and cosmetic field.
When it comes in contact with the heat of the body, Dermofibra® Cosmetics releases active principles on the skin like vitamin A and vitamin E, aloe vera and caffeine, which nourish tissues, hydrate them and facilitate micro-circulation, reducing orange peel effect.
Additionally, inside Dermofibra® Cosmetics there are also microparticles of silicon, titanium, magnesium, zinc, which reflect the heat of the body and generate a natural draining reaction.
By wearing a cosmetotextile garment, therefore, you can tone tissue and drain liquids, losing those famous "holiday kilos" without effort.
Cosmetotextiles: garments suitable for every occasion
When we speak of cosmetotextiles, many believe that these are slimming tops and leggings to use only at home or at the gym, because they are studied to lose weight and not make you feel beautiful.
The BeGood brand, in addition to creating garments in Dermofibra® Cosmetics, which help to reduce the waistline and make skin softer and smoother, has chosen to give all of us the opportunity to feel beautiful creating fashionable slimming clothing, to use for every occasion.
Superslim leggings, with their captivating prints, can be worn to go to the supermarket, for a walk with friends, but also with a minidress for an aperitif or a dinner.
The turtlenecks and tops, instead, are perfect under jackets or worn with a cardigan for more casual outfits.
The colours and the prints, from the brightest lurex leggings, to the classic tops with high collar in solid colours, adapt to every outfit and to every style, and it is up to you to choose which garment is most suitable to get you back in shape after the holidays without being overwhelmed by stress.
Rediscover your tonicity with BeGood garments in Dermofibra® Cosmetics.
Choose the garment most suitable for you and get back in shape without stress.