How to get a flat stomach

Diet, exercise and a special trick to have a flat stomach. Discover how to get amazing abs in a short time and with little effort.
Raise your hand if you would like to have a flat and toned stomach in little time!
True abdominal bloating, which is diagnosed by a doctor and treated with specific medications, affects 13% of Italian women. However, 71% of italian women consider their waistline "abundant" and would like to have a more toned abdomen.
But how? Let’s see together what you can do to have an enviable stomach without resorting to cosmetic surgery.
Tips to reduce your waistline
Often abdominal bloating is caused by bad habits which make us feel less attractive, day after day. It takes very little to reduce abdominal bloating and to start shining.
Here are the habits to adopt if you want to reduce your waistline in a short time:
The fastest method
The fastest solution, to flatten your stomach in one day and above all without effort, is to use specific items (shapewear) and in particular, high-waisted leggings which hold in the belly.
These leggings reduce your waistline and they also have a cosmetic effect on your skin. Try to believe it.
You can also choose Co-ords and Matching Sets that are perfect for your needs, this is the ideal solution for many of us, which never know what to wear.
Reduce alcohol and sugary foods
Sugary foods raise insulin production in our body and influence the accumulation of abdominal fat. Alcohol contains ethanol, which causes widespread inflammation and also causes waistline fat accumulation. In short, consuming sugary foods, complex carbohydrates, soft drinks, drinks, beer and spirits make our belly rise.
In order to have a flat stomach you don’t have to follow a strict diet and renounce the pleasures of the table. You should follow a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole food, which help maintain intestinal balance to reduce bloating, feel better and have a flatter stomach in little time.
Eat slowly and chew for longer
If you eat very fast, you are not simply ingesting food, but you are also introducing a large amount of air into your abdominal cavity, which bloats you like a balloon but doesn't make you feel full.
Therefore, you are going to eat more, because your brain won’t be able to feel a sense of satiety and you are going to ingest more calories than you need. This will cause a slow but constant process of weight gain. You will feel bloated, heavy and tired, a completely opposite feeling to the toned stomach you desire.
Eating slowly and chewing every dish helps you tasting food, reaching a feeling of satiety and keeping your stomach flat, as you want it.
Relax and have a nap
You can get a flat stomach by sleeping more and peacefully. Stress and in particular cortisol, the hormone that gets produced by our body when we are nervous and tense, is one of the causes of a flabby belly. This is because its job it’s to protect our vital functions by causing processes which improve blood sugar and cause waistline fat accumulation.
You have to think positive and relax: this is the best way to live better and to have a flat stomach without effort, on the contrary you will enjoy life!
Practice Yoga or Pilates
You have to do crunch, plank and lunges: this helps tone abdominal muscles, burn waistline fat and keep a toned stomach. If you like sport you already know it, but if you don’t like spending your evenings at the gym, you have to know that you don’t need intense aerobic workouts to get results.
Also, Yoga and Pilates, even if they look like softer workouts, offer targeted exercises which help reduce your waistline and strengthen your muscles, for a flatter stomach and a steadier abdomen, which also reduce risk of back pain.
Choose the right items
With the right outfit you can also hide your belly and shift the focus to your hips or breast. You can also work deeper and choose garments made of innovative yarns, which work on our body and have a toning and draining effect which lasts in time.
From leggings, to shapewear bodysuits, products made of Dermofibra®Cosmetics, work on critical points and help reduce you belly not only while you are wearing them.
This innovative yarn patented in Switzerland by HumanWellness, contains minerals as silicon, magnesium, titanium and zinc and microcapsules enriched with aloe vera, vitamin A, vitamin E, and caffeine.
While you are wearing items made of Dermofibra®Cosmetics, minerals reflect body heat, by stimulating microcirculation and draining excessive fluids. Microcapsules release active ingredients, which moisturize and smooth your skin, by making it more toned and elastic.
Moreover, BeGood® items support your curves without constricting, because they are made with a technology which makes them perfect for any occasion and they are designed by a design team which creates fashionable shapewear clothing that makes you feel more beautiful and awesome every day.
Let’s see these items in detail.
Underwear which reduces and hides your stomach
The most widespread solution to reduce and hide your stomach, is a slimming bodysuit under your clothes. With slimming bodysuits, you make your stomach look more toned immediately but you risk the opposite effect and you do not solve the problem of bloating. A slimming bodysuit compresses the abdominal area but does not work on the causes of abdominal bloating, such as water retention or skin firmness.
On the other hand, slimming bodysuits of Dermofibra®Cosmetics make your stomach look flat immediately, but they also work in depth to extend their benefits in time.
They can be worn on any occasion and they are designed to give maximum comfort. They are more effective than any other slimming bodysuit, because they support without constricting.
Under your favourite dresses, you can also choose a shaping briefs or shorts of Dermofibra®Bio-Infrared: these items under your favourite dresses will be the secret for an enviable silhouette.
Shapewear swimsuits
Yes, you can hide your belly also with a swimsuit.
Also in this case, you can choose between a classical shaping swimsuit, which however has the same disadvantages of traditional slimming bodysuits. It constricts and compresses your curves and does not solve the bloating problem. On the other hand you can choose a one-piece shapewear swimsuit of Dermofibra®Cosmetics, which improves skin firmness and helps drain fluids.
Furthermore, shaping swimsuits of Dermofibra®Cosmetics are designed as a modern garment. This is not a normal swimsuit but it hides your belly and makes you feel beautiful and fit thanks to its style and technology.
Discover BeGood® new collection to shape your body and feel and feel confident in any occasion.