Smooth skin on the legs, how to get it

Diet, hair removal and then? Read the news to discover how to have celebrity legs without effort and without having to dedicate more time to your appearance.
The legs are one of the most beautiful parts of a women's body and must be taken care of, not neglected. It does not matter if it is summer, spring, fall or winter: every day is the right day to dedicate some time to one's legs, improving circulation and making sure the skin is silky and healthy.
Would you like your legs to have smooth skin that is soft to the touch and beautiful to look at? Continue reading to discover how to get it!
Beautiful legs are the result of a proper diet
One of the worst enemies of women's legs is water retention, making them swollen, heavy and with orange peel skin.
This is exactly why it is important to eat fruit, vegetables and all those ingredients rich in vitamins and water, which carry out a purifying action, eliminating toxins and preventing skin imperfections.
Furthermore, each day we should each drink at least two litres of water, accompanied, if possible, by fruit smoothies or herbal teas, to increase our body's water intake and help it keep the skin hydrated.
Diet + Sport = Perfect legs
The diet should always be associated with constant sports activity that activates the circulation and keeps muscles moving. This is the only way that draining foods, rich in magnesium, potassium and mineral salts, can really work miracles.
There is no need for sports sessions like those for great athletes to have gorgeous legs: it is enough to take a 30-minute walk, three time a week to start seeing results and to get beautiful, healthy legs already after a few months of exercise.
The secret to smooth skin is the scrub
The best-know method for soft, silky legs is hair removal, but not many know that for great results there is a step that comes before: the scrub.
To prepare the skin for effective hair removal, capable of removing hair also under the skin, soak the legs in warm water for five minutes, soften the skin and massage it with a scrub with light, circularmovements.
You can purchase ready-made scrubs at your favourite beauty supply store or prepare it yourself by combining 1 tablespoon of salt or sugar, 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoon of olive or almond oil.
After having removed all the dead cells and impurities, rinse the skin, dry it and move on to the hair removal using the technique you prefer most, even is the best is always waxing because it guarantees excellent results and lasts longer.
Constant hydration keeps legs smooth over time
To maintain the skin on the legs smooth over time, you must hydrate it and massage it every day, not just after hair removal.
Daily hydration and constant massaging, in fact, re-activate circulation and nourish the tissues in depth, avoiding that the skin becomes dry and keep the legs soft and silky, not just after hair removal.
In regards to leg massage, it is important that it start from the calf muscle and go all the way up to the thigh, with a movement from the bottom to the top, to bring excess liquids to the kidneys and facilitate elimination.
The legs should be moisturised at least once a day, generally after a warm shower, when the pores are free from impurities and dilated, so as to more easily absorb the active principles contained in the cosmetic products.
There are a number of products available on the market, but the most effective and nourishing active principles are:
- Hyaluronic Acid;
- Vitamin A;
- Vitamin E;
- Shea Butter.
How to be constant in hydrating the legs' skin
Constant and continuous hydration, this is the real secret for legs with smooth and soft skin.
Of course, we cannot think of interrupting our activities every 45 minutes to apply moisturising lotion on our legs or to massage our calf muscles, but with Dermofibra® Cosmetics we can continuously hydrate and massage the skin on our legs from morning to night! Here's how.
A fibre that massages and hydrates the legs while you wear it
Dermofibra® Cosmetics is an innovative textile fibre developed in the Swiss laboratories of HumanWellness containing synthetic components and microspheres enriched with Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Caffeine.
In contact with the heat of the body, the synthetic components reflect body heat activating a thermal effect that stimulates circulation and facilitates the draining of liquids, while the active principles hydrate the tissue in depth and for the entire time the draining shorts and leggings made with this fibre are worn.
The results are surprising even just a few weeks later and, in addition to reducing centimetres at the waist and hips, by wearing the Dermofibra® Cosmetics garments your skin seems to be renewed because it is as if you spent your days massaging and hydrating the skin while at the office, taking a walk, at the gym or chatting with friends.
Furthermore, BeGood garments in Dermofibra® Cosmetics are fashionable shapewear, making you feel beautiful and trendy and that you wear eagerly, because they have nothing to do with the sad, skin-coloured garments for weight loss and take centre stage in your wardrobe.
Take a look at the BeGood Collections to find the legging you like the most.