4 tips for hydrated skin in the summer too

There's a new way to hydrate the skin, in addition to drinking water and using moisturising creams. Discover the BeGood solution for dry and parched skin.
Up to 60% of the body is water and this information is hardly news to us. However, now there is a new and innovative way to hydrate the body and together with the ones you are probably already familiar with, it can help keep skin soft and velvety, even when the temperature rises to above 30°C and the sun beats relentlessly down on us: let's take a look at them all.
Here are 3 tips already familiar to you, along with the latest one from BeGood, for keeping skin hydrated during the hottest months.
1 - Drink lots of water
We have all been advised to do so since our childhood: every respectable grandmother worth her salt always asks "does this child drink enough?".
Hydration means water and drinking water is something so natural that as time goes by, we forget to do it. Drinking lots of water may be somewhat obvious and repetitive, but we still want to tell you about it, because drinking just 2/3 litres of water per day can provide your skin with all the water it needs to keep soft and hydrated.
You should drink lots of water all year round, not just in the summer!
Moreover, by drinking a lot, we trigger a chain reaction in our body, which helps us to eliminate toxins and stimulates diuresis, helping us to keep skin moisturised, but also to eliminate excess liquids and unsightly cellulite, for a skin that is healthier and more beautiful at the same time!
2 - Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
There are different foods that hydrate the skin, but they all have one thing in common: you can buy them at the greengrocer's.
Fruits and vegetables are some of the foods with the highest water content and eating them is like drinking whole bottles of mineral water. Let's take a look at a few examples: 100 grams of cucumber provide the body with 96.5 grams of water, 100 grams of radishes with 9.56 grams of water and 100 grams of tomatoes with 94.3 grams of water.
As for fruit, 100 grams of watermelon is unbeatable, as it provides the body with 95.3 grams of water, followed by melon, with 90.1 grams of water per 100 grams of the fruit, and peach, with over 90 grams of water per 100 grams of pulp.
Not only do fruits and vegetables hydrate the skin, they also bring another advantage: they contain mineral salts and vitamins, which our body loses in vast amounts when we sweat, and help us get our strength back when the heat makes us feel exhausted and under the weather.
3 - Use moisturising creams
The skin's epidermis, its outermost layer, is far from isolated, on the contrary. When we apply a cream, the active ingredients it contains penetrate deep down and nourish cells.
Cells need water in the summer and the fastest way to hydrate them is to apply creams rich in active ingredients, which help your skin to get back into shape.
Vegetable glycerine, collagen, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid are all active ingredients contained in cosmetic creams, which along with other ingredients, come into contact with the skin, penetrating and hydrating cells.
During the hottest months, the real problem isn't the active ingredients, but other ones contained in the cream's formulation, which cover the skin with a thin film of other substances, making it soft on the one hand, but heavy, sticky and humid on the other.
This is why at BeGood we have developed an innovative method for your summer skincare.
4 - Use Dermofibra® Cosmetics
This brings us to the advice we are sure you have never heard of before: Dermofibra® Cosmetics!
As we have already explained, moisturising creams are excellent in terms of active ingredients, but unfortunately they also contain other ingredients that are not so good for the skin.
In our Swiss laboratories we have analysed the issue of skin hydration deep down and we have found an innovative skincare method that exploits all the benefits of aloe vera, caffeine, vitamin A and vitamin E, without the heaviness of other ingredients typically contained in moisturising creams.
Our solution is Dermofibra® Cosmetics, a textile fibre containing active ingredients, which we use to make cosmetic-textile garments for everyday wear, even in the summer.
BeGood garments are breathable, they do not squeeze or compress and when in contact with the body, they release active ingredients that penetrate the epidermis and nourish your skin.
The result is surprising: a hydrated, soft and velvety skin without the use of oily lotions, with all the style of a garment designed and made in Italy.