Conseils BeGood

How to get a flat stomach

Diet, exercise and a special trick to having a flat stomach. Discover how to get amazing abs in a short time and with little effort.

Raise your hand, if you, too, would like a flat, toned stomach in little time!

Actual abdominal bloating, that which is diagnosed by the doctor and treated with specific medicines, is a problem affecting 13% of Italian women, but 71% of our fellow countrywomen consider their waistline to be “abundant” and would like to have a more toned stomach.
How? Let’s take a look at what to do to get an amazing stomach without having to turn to cosmetic surgery.

Reduce consumption of alcohol and sweetened foods

Sweetened foods increase the production of insulin in our body and have an effect on the accumulation of abdominal fat, while alcoholic beverages contain ethanol, they cause a widespread inflammation and also lead to implications for the accumulation of fat at the waist.
Basically, eating sweetened foods regularly, complex carbohydrates, beverages, drinks, beer and hard liquors make our stomach “levitate”.

Diet rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains

To have a flat stomach, though, you do not need to follow a strict diet and give up on the pleasures of the table.
It is sufficient to choose a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and whole grains which maintain intestinal balance to reduce bloating, feel better and have a flat stomach in a short time.

Eat calmly and chew well

If you eat too quickly, besides ingesting food, you will also take in a great amount of air in your abdominal cavity which will make you bloated like a balloon, without satisfying your hunger.
During the meal you will eat more because your brain will not be able to sense a feeing of fullness and you will ingest many more calories than what you actually need, setting off a slow and constant weight gain process, while in the short term you will feel bloated, full and tired, a totally opposite feeling to the toned stomach you so desire.

Eat slowly and chewing carefully

Eating slowly and chewing carefully at every meal helps you savour each food, to reach a sense of fullness and keep your stomach flat, just like you want it.

Relax and take a nap

Well yes, a flat stomach is obtained by also sleeping more and better!
Stress, and specifically cortisol, the hormone produced by our body when we are stressed and anxious, is one of the causes of a flabby stomach, not in the best shape, because its role is that of protecting our vital functions, setting off processes that increase blood sugar concentration and facilitate the accumulation of fat at the waist.

Relax and take a nap

Thinking positively, winding down and dedicating some time to relaxation are the best ways for living better and having a flat stomach without effort, basically, enjoying life!

Do yoga or pilates

Doing crunches, planks and lunges help tone the muscles of the abdomen, burn fat at the waist and keep the stomach toned.
If you are sports enthusiast you already know this, but if you do not love spending your evenings at the gym, just know that intense aerobic workouts are not necessary to get results.

Practice yoga hepls reducing stress

Even yoga or pilates, while they may seem to be less intense workouts, offer specific exercises to help reduce the waistline and strengthen muscles, for a flat stomach and firmer abdomen, reducing the risk of backache as well.

Choose the right fabric

We often hear of outfits that hide the stomach and move the attention to hips or breasts, but there is also a type of clothing that helps to reduce the waist by wearing it day after day.

This clothing is specifically the clothing by BeGood® made with Dermofibra® Cosmetics, the innovative textile fibre patented in Switzerland by HumanWellness containing silicon, titanium, magnesium, zinc and microspheres enriched with Aloe Vera, vitamin A, vitamin E and caffeine.

Begood garments

The minerals present in Dermofibra® Cosmetics reflect the heat of the body activating micro-circulation and facilitating the drainage of liquids, while the microspheres release the active ingredients that smooth and hydrate the skin, reducing blemishes and making the skin more toned and supple.

Furthermore, BeGood® garments support the body without compressing it, because they are made with a technology that makes them comfortable and practical. They are created by a team of designers who want to offer trendy shapewear pieces, to be worn to feel more beautiful and stylish while getting a flatter stomach day after day.

Discover the BeGood collection for a flat stomach with no effort.

Go to the collection.

Publié dans: Bien-être - Fitness